The Face of Welsh Third Position Syncretism - Flirtations with Alt Right Populism - The Opportunist comedy of errors.
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr has studied Third Position Syncretism for many years in our struggle against Fascist and Nazi movements in Europe , - it is now advocated proudly by Ein Gwald the new emergent proto fascist movement in Wales.
Third position syncretism is advocated by Alexander Dugin of Russia known as 4th political theory - it is the beyond left and right mantra of Alex Jones of Infowars in the USA and US Alt Right Populism it is also Proto fascist - a precursor - not yet the full fascism because Fascism still remains profoundly unpopular throughout the World and in Wales.
Fascist movements had a hard time after the Second World War after the defeat of of Nazism and tried recreating themselves based on the theories of Italian Fascist Julius Evola which tried to move from pure Nazi"scientific"racism to ethnic rootedness and is associated with "spiritual racism" and extreme misogyny.
Ethno nationalism of the white kind loved by Steve Bannon rather than civic nationalism was the credo of these reinvented fascists although we have noticed how Alt Right originator Richard Spencer in USA and Steve Bannon say to support civic nationalism tactically as a way to get into their beloved ethno nationalism and racism - a return ultimately to the infamous Nuremberg Blood Laws - Spencer will agree but Bannon is shamefaced about blood laws and washes his hands of the consequences of his rhetoric.
We have noticed attacks on Cultural Marxism that right wing construct and straw man coming from Jack O North of Ein Gwlad - he is profoundly ignorant of Marxism and his scribbles on the question show - they do not rise to the level of an article.
We had an expert on Marxism and Culture in late Professor Raymond Williams in Wales and we are proud to have known this great son of Wales and learnt from him about socialism and the national question.Pity that Royston Jones did not learn from this literate Welshman instead of from Fascist scribblings and Nazi obscenities about Marxism.
Royston Jones - A Face of Welsh Fascism
Well the Welsh Political Scene has not seen real flirtations with real Fascism since 1930's and that was tragic and an error - if we are in for Act 2 it will not just be tragedy but farce of the arse Royston Jones aka Jack o North.
Gwyn Wigley Evans another proud promoter of Third Way Syncretism - Proto Fascism aka political cretinism.
PS : Not to forget Ein Gwlad's Syncretic pathetic Dr Stephen Morris from Wrexham promoter of Poland as a model for Wales - as if we had not exported enough of our youth - we have to emulate the Polish Capitalist Model - see our article on Depopulation and Wales an antidote to his pathetic nonsense.
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