Saturday 21 April 2018

Who Speaks For Wales ? Carwyn Jones Resigns

Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr says clearly Carwyn Jones did not speak for Wales  - his despicable handling of the Carl Sargeant death - plus his phone call to Theresa May of support for  bombing of Syria has done him no good.

We are no great fans of that extension of the British State in Wales the Welsh Assembly which fails on the acid test of defending Welsh Land either giving it away to developers at ridiculously low prices making millions of instant profits for well connected individuals or taking away common land rights of  Welsh people as in the Mynydd Y Gwair and giving it to a German Wind farm company RWE.

So whoever succeeds Carwyn Jones as First Minister in the Welsh Assembly will have to do the British state bidding until that day dawns when Welsh People will stand up for their Land and kick the British State out of Wales.

In the meantime we will Educate and Agitate and Organize for that dawning day to come sooner rather than later. 

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