Saturday, 30 July 2016

Announcing the Welsh Socialist Republican Congress 29th - 30th October 2016

The month of August will see the launch of the Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr/ Welsh Socialist Republican Movement Campaign to inform the people of Wales of the Welsh Socialist Republican Congress to be held on October 29-30th 2016.

Posters and stickers are available and we want them to appear in as many towns in Wales as possible during August 2016.

You can obtain them by contacting us at

In September 2016 there will be pre Congress meetings in Carmarthen for West Wales, Wrexham for North Wales and Merthyr for South Wales where pre Congress documentation will be made available and preparations for Congress will be finalised.

2016 will begin the long overdue process for the revitalisation and renewal of  Welsh Politics where the social will be put back into socialism and independence put back into the national movement.

The time for the great transformation of Wales  is not behind us but in front of us - join and make that transformation for Socialism and Independence a Welsh reality in the 21st Century


ymunwch !