Tuesday 29 July 2014

Free Breton Political Prisoner Enguerrand Delanous

Enguerrand Delanous a young dad of 23 years from Nantes, activist and opponent of the proposed airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, was sentenced to a year in prison  for being at the 22 February 2014 demonstration in Nantes against the airport.

Smoke was reportedly discovered in his DNA

Nearly 200 people were injured during the event, some serious, and some twenty were charged.

He writes from his cell to us by his commitment.

"I accepted the proposal that was made to me to join the NPA and supported by Breizhistance list primarily for show, despite the the ban on demonstrations in Nantes for 3 years and the ZAD , They cannot silence me.

Ironically, I do not believe in the possibility of real change through the ballot box.

History has shown us that it is above all the fight in the street tips the  balance of power between the people and their rulers.

Nevertheless, the elections shall be at least one thing, they force (some) media - be it a short and brief moment - to leave their permanent bias, allowing other voices to speak.

Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr calls for immediate release of Enguerrand Delanous.

Source: http://www.bretagne-info.org/2014/05/15/lettre-de-prison-denguerrand-militant-anti-aeroport-et-prisonnier-politique-candidat-aux-elections-europeennes-sur-la-liste-npa-gauche-independantiste/

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