Caernarfon Anti Investiture Protests 1969
Plaid Cymru 1925.
"To secure independence for Wales in Europe. To ensure economic prosperity, social justice and the health of the natural environment, based on decentralist socialism. To build a national community based on equal citizenship, respect for different traditions and cultures and the equal worth of all individuals, whatever their race, nationality, gender, colour, creed, sexuality, age, ability or social background.
We demand that Wales be an equal, free and self-governing member of the Association of British Nations.
This is the status that is, in political terms, generally called Dominion Status which is enjoyed by the Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and that was recently granted to the Irish Free State"
Plaid Cymru since its inception has never really stood for a Independent Wales.
That is a Wales Independent of the British State and its Monarchy they have been Dominion Status or Confederalism advocates - a Federalism is currently promoted by Dafydd Ellis Thomas they are all the British State in new form and the British Monarch at the centre.
In the latest British State Prince Charles PR campaign for Investiture 3 to undermine the 50th Anniversary of antInvestiture protests Dafydd Iwan has said while affirming his republicanism
"I would never campaign against something like the investiture again when there are more important things to do , like building a new Wales".
What is more important than taking Wales out of the British State and preventing its reintegration under the false banner of Federalism and Monarchism - the British State in yet another form.
Opposing Investiture 3 and promoting Republicanism is part of our differentiation from the British State but Dafydd Iwan either fails to see this or has simply given up the ghost.
Of Course Dafydd Elis Thomas who serves the British State just like Lloyd George goes even further he wants to legitimize Prince Charles and the Monarchy in Wales.
We have not made enough of him in my view because of opposition in certain quarters.
I do not think he (Prince Charles) feels as well that enough has been made of the opportunity of marketing Wales through the Prince of Wales.
Part of my job is promote the culture of Wales and if we had a more determined drive to work with the Prince of Wales in promoting Wales throughout the period of his Principality - I think we could have achieved a lot more.
Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas
Liam Mellows
Let the Voice of a True Socialist Republican speak to us from the past - not the siren songs calling us to the death of our ideals by Dafydd Iwan and Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas
Under this Treaty the Irish people are going to be committed within the British Empire. We have always in this country protested against being included within the British Empire. Now we are told that we are going into it with our heads up.
The British Empire stands to me in the same relationship as the devil stands to religion.
The British Empire represents to me nothing but the concentrated tyranny of ages. You may talk about your constitution in Canada, your united South Africa or Commonwealth of Australia, but the British Empire to me does not mean that. It means to me that terrible thing that has spread its tentacles all over the earth, that has crushed the lives out of people and exploited its own when it could not exploit anybody else.
That British Empire is the thing that has crushed this country; yet we are told that we are going into it now with our heads up. We are going into the British Empire now to participate in the Empire's shame even though we do not actually commit the act, to participate in the shame and the erucifixion of India and the degradation of Egypt.
Is that what the Irish people fought for freedom for?
We are told damn principles. Aye, if Ireland was fighting for nothing only to become as most of the other rich countries of the world have become, this fight should never have been entered upon.
We hoped to make this country something the world should be proud on and we did not enter into the fight to make this country as the other countries, where its word was not its bond, and where a treaty was something to be struggled for.
That was not the ideal that inspired men in this cause in every age, and it is not the ideal which inspires us to-day.
We do not seek to make this country a materially great country at the expense of its honour in any way whatsoever.
We would rather have this country poor and indigent, we would rather have the people of Ireland eking out a poor existence on the soil; as long as they possessed their souls, their minds, and their honour.
This fight has been for something more than the fleshpots of Empire
You've got it in a nutshell!