Friday, 29 September 2017
Monday, 25 September 2017
Una hora de musica comunista catalana - One Hour of Catalan communist music - Red Salute from Wales
00:00 L'Estat i la revolució (El Estadoy la revolución)
03:32 La Internacional (La Internacional) 06:44 El despertar roig (El despertar rojo) 09:25 La gallineta (La gallinita) 11:59 Terra lliure (Tierra libre) 14:46 Onze de setembre (Once de septiembre) 17:27 Diguem no (Digo no) 19:40 Mil nou-cents trenta-nou (Mil novecientos treinta y nueve) 23:38 No passareu (No pasaran) 25:51 L'estaca (La estaca) 28:18 Som una nació (Somos una nación) 30:47 I si demá no tornara (Y si mañana no volviera) 35:33 Les quatre banderes (La cuatro banderas) 39:31 Ball de rojos (Baile de rojos) 42:45 Stalingrad (Stalingrado) 46:23 Canviarem la història (Cambiaremos la historia) 48:52 Avui com ahir (Hoy y mañana) 53:29 Serà un dia que durarà anys (Será un día que durará años) 55:43 Els segadors de sempre (Los segadores de siempre) 59:25 La flama (La flama)
03:32 La Internacional (La Internacional) 06:44 El despertar roig (El despertar rojo) 09:25 La gallineta (La gallinita) 11:59 Terra lliure (Tierra libre) 14:46 Onze de setembre (Once de septiembre) 17:27 Diguem no (Digo no) 19:40 Mil nou-cents trenta-nou (Mil novecientos treinta y nueve) 23:38 No passareu (No pasaran) 25:51 L'estaca (La estaca) 28:18 Som una nació (Somos una nación) 30:47 I si demá no tornara (Y si mañana no volviera) 35:33 Les quatre banderes (La cuatro banderas) 39:31 Ball de rojos (Baile de rojos) 42:45 Stalingrad (Stalingrado) 46:23 Canviarem la història (Cambiaremos la historia) 48:52 Avui com ahir (Hoy y mañana) 53:29 Serà un dia que durarà anys (Será un día que durará años) 55:43 Els segadors de sempre (Los segadores de siempre) 59:25 La flama (La flama)
Declaration of Solidarity with the Catalan People of the Independent Organizations of Nations Without a State Under French Domination
Manifesto of solidarity with the Catalan people.
On 1 October the Catalan people were invited to vote on the independence of Catalonia in a self-organized referendum whose legality was contested by the Spanish authorities.
Various measures of intimidation followed: searches of companies likely to produce voting material, ostensible deployment of the Spanish army and police, an attempt to ban the website for the promotion of the referendum, judicial convocation of more than 700 elected officials having pledged to favor in their communes the holding of the vote, restrictions of the right of assembly ...
Our organizations implanted in stateless nations under French domination want to reaffirm their support:
The inalienable and legitimate right of the Catalan people to choose without constraint and without fear its future.
Its right to proclaim at the end of this vote an independent Catalan republic.
Moreover, they invite the democrats, peoples and workers of the world and first of all in the French state to publicly express their support for the Catalan people, which makes their determination to vote an aging monarchical regime emerge from the Franco dictatorship.
The contribution of the Catalan people to restoring meaning to democracy is indisputable. The Catalan process of independence is rich in teachings because it eloquently explains that the right to self-determination is not demanded but that it is exercised without waiting for the authorization of the states or the European Union.
It restores meaning to the concepts of sovereignty, self-governance and self-organization at a time when global economic exchanges are being built more than ever, in disregard of the views of peoples and to the detriment of the majority and the environment.
Many liberation organizations of other peoples under Spanish domination support the Catalan process, but we remind ourselves that the French state also occupies a part of the Catalan countries and denies it any right to freely choose its destiny.
Our internationalist solidarity towards the Catalan people knows no borders between France and Spain, and we also affirm that Catalans, like all peoples under French rule, should be able to exercise their right to freely decide to build another political, social and environmental model to the benefits of the majority to get rid of capitalism, colonialism and imperialism.
Organization signatories:
• Catalonia: CUP Perpinya
• Corsica: A Manca
• Flanders: V-SB
• Brittany: Breizh O Stourm (Left Independent)
• Basque Country: Euskal Herria Bai, Askapena
• Martinique: CNCP, PKLS
• Occitania: Collectiu Comunista Combat Proletari
• French Guiana: MDES
• French Polynesia: Tavini Huiratira
Manifeste de solidarité avec le peuple catalan.
Le 1er octobre, le peuple catalan est invité à se prononcer sur l'indépendance de la Catalogne dans le cadre d'un référendum auto-organisé dont la légalité est contestée par le pouvoir Espagnol.
Les mesures d'intimidation diverses se succèdent : perquisitions des entreprises susceptibles de fabriquer du matériel de vote, déploiement ostensible de l'armée et de la police espagnoles, tentative d'interdiction du site internet de promotion du référendum, convocation judiciaire de plus de 700 élus s'étant engagés à favoriser dans leurs communes la tenue du vote, restrictions du droit de réunion...
Nos organisations implantées dans des nations sans état sous domination française tiennent à réaffirmer leur soutien :
Au droit inaliénable et légitime du peuple catalan à choisir sans contrainte et sans peur son avenir.
Son droit à proclamer à l'issue de ce vote une république catalane indépendante.
Par ailleurs, elles invitent les démocrates, les peuples et les travailleurs du monde et en premier lieu dans l'état français à exprimer publiquement leur soutien au peuple catalan qui fait vaciller par sa détermination à voter un régime monarchique vieillissant issue de la dictature franquiste.
La contribution du peuple catalan à redonner du sens à la démocratie est incontestable. Le processus catalan pour l'indépendance est riche d'enseignements car il explique de façon éloquente que le droit à l'autodétermination ne se quémande pas mais qu'il s'exerce sans attendre l'autorisation des états ou de l'Union Européenne. Il redonne du sens aux concepts de souveraineté, d'auto-gouvernance, d'auto-organisation à un moment ou les échanges économiques mondiaux se construisent plus que jamais au mépris de l'avis des peuples et au détriment du plus grand nombre et de l'environnement.
Beaucoup d'organisations de libération des autres peuples sous domination espagnole soutiennent le processus catalan mais nous rappelons que l'état français aussi occupe une partie des pays catalans et lui nie tout droit à choisir librement son destin.
Notre solidarité internationaliste envers le peuple catalan ne connaît pas les frontières franco-espagnoles et nous affirmons également que les catalans comme tous les peuples sous domination française devraient pouvoir exercer eux aussi leur droit à librement se déterminer pour construire un autre modèle politique, social et environnemental aux bénéfices de la majorité pour se débarrasser du capitalisme, du colonialisme et de l'impérialisme.
Organisation signataires :
• Catalogne : CUP Perpinya
• Corse : A Manca
• Flandres : V-SB
• Bretagne : Breizh O Stourm (Gauche Indépendantiste)
• Pays Basque : Euskal Herria Bai, Askapena
• Martinique : CNCP, PKLS
• Occitanie : Collectiu Comunista Combat Proletari
• Guyane : MDES
• Polynésie : Tavini Huiratira
source http://www.bretagne-info.org/2017/09/24/declaration-de-solidarite-avec-le-peuple-catalan-des-organisations-independantistes-des-nations-sans-etat-de-l-hexagone/
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Statement in Catalan and Spanish of Solidarity with struggle in Catalonia
"L'organització Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr de Gal•les afirma que la lluita catalana és bàsicament una lluita per la democràcia contra un Estat espanyol burgès corrupte, que ha pres una forma nacional a Catalunya.
No obstant això, el lideratge nacionalista català busca subordinar a Catalunya a una Brussel•les corrupta i a la Unió Europea, no és l'alliberament nacional, sinó un simple reajustament entre els burgesos nacionals de l'Estat espanyol i d'Europa.
L'Esquerra Revolucionària de Catalunya s´ha d'oposar tant al corrupte Estat espanyol com a la corrupta Unió Europa, l'OTAN i elevar a la classe obrera al lideratge polític de la lluita nacional per la democràcia a Catalunya. La classe obrera ha de guanyar la direcció de l'alliberament nacional.
Suport a la declaració unilateral d'independència de Catalunya.
La organización Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr de Gales afirma que la lucha catalana es básicamente una lucha por la democracia contra un Estado español burgués corrupto, que ha tomado una forma nacional en Cataluña.
Sin embargo, el liderazgo nacionalista catalán busca subordinar a Cataluña a una Bruselas corrupta y a la Unión Europea, no es la liberación nacional, sino un simple reajuste entre los burgueses nacionales del Estado español y de Europa.
La Izquierda Revolucionaria de Cataluña debe oponerse tanto al corrupto Estado español como a la corrupta Unión Europa, la OTAN y elevar a la clase obrera al liderazgo político de la lucha nacional por la democracia en Cataluña. La clase obrera debe ganar la dirección de la liberación nacional.
Apoyo a la declaración unilateral de independencia de Catalunya.
Socialism and Independence
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr in Wales says the Catalan struggle is basically a struggle for democracy against a corrupt bourgeois Spanish State which has taken a national form in Catalonia.
However the bourgeois nationalist Catalan leadership seeks to subordinate Catalonia to a corrupt Brussels and the European Union - this is not national liberation but a readjustment among the national bourgeois in the Spanish State and Europe.
The Revolutionary Left in Catalonia should oppose both the corrupt Spanish State and the corrupt European Union and NATO and elevate the working class to political leadership of the national struggle for democracy in Catalonia - the working class should win the direction of national liberation.
Support a unilateral declaration of independence
Friday, 22 September 2017
Galizan UPG We condemn the state of emergency in Catalonia and call upon the people to defend freedom
The action undertaken by the machinery of the Spanish regime this Wednesday 20th September, taking the Catalan Government by storm and arresting senior officials, overstepped all democratic bounds and amounts to nothing less than a veritable coup against the Catalan institutions and devolved government. The Spanish State does not hesitate to use all means of force and duress at its disposal, including measures which are clearly illegal even according to Spanish legislation, in its attempt to deny the democratic will of the Catalan people to exercise its right to self-determination and achieve independence.
These acts stand to unmask the true authoritarian and antidemocratic nature of the Spanish State. Over recent decades, we have not ceased to denounce the fact that the Spanish political system born out of the Transition and the Constitution of 1978 is anything but democratic. Now, not only is not democratic, but it longer ever looks it. The Catalan independence process has exposed the true face of ‘Spanish democracy’; denying basic rights and freedoms is how the Spanish regime reacts to the peoples’ will to be free.
Outlawing the vote, persecuting public officials for upholding this right, banning meetings, closing down websites, attacking the media, seizing magazines, posters and ballot boxes, etc., is incompatible with even the most basic democratic principles. No State which violates basic rights, the freedom of speech, opinion, information and the right to decide through a vote can be considered democratic.
These attacks on rights and freedoms in Catalonia are an attack on the rights and freedoms of everyone who lives within the Spanish State and on all of the nations which are still part of it but which yearn to be free. This is why we call upon the people to mobilise to defend democracy and the right of the peoples to decide, to exercise their right to self-determination and establish independent sovereign States of their own. Today, by defending the freedom of Catalonia, we are also defending the freedom of Galiza and all people.
We express our total support for the Catalan people which has taken to the streets to demonstrate its sovereignty, to the Catalan Government and all of the independendist organisations under attack by the Spanish regime. For our part, we once again reiterate our commitment to continue strengthening the self-organisation of the Galizan people and to continue working for a truly democratic break with the old regime in our country until our nation achieves independence, building our own sovereign State, the Republic of Galiza.
Source http://upg.gal/condenamos-estado-excepcion-en-cataluna-chamamos-defender-as-liberdades/
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Solidarity with Catalan struggle from Wales
You were born with the possibility of choice are you going to do that ?
Solidarity from Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr in Wales
Socialism and Independence
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr in Wales says the Catalan struggle is basically a struggle for democracy against a corrupt bourgeois Spanish State which has taken a national form in Catalonia.
However the bourgeois nationalist Catalan leadership seeks to subordinate Catalonia to a corrupt Brussels and the European Union - this is not national liberation but a readjustment among the national bourgeois in the Spanish State and Europe.
The Revolutionary Left in Catalonia should oppose both the corrupt Spanish State and the corrupt European Union and NATO and elevate the working class to political leadership of the national struggle for democracy in Catalonia - the working class should win the direction of national liberation.
Support a unilateral declaration of independence
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Spanish Fascism as the Guardia Civil storms the Catalan Government on Wedneday Morning 20th September
The Guardia Civil stormed the Catalan government on Wednesday morning, 20 September. The Spanish police invaded the Ministry of Economy and various Catalan finance agencies including the Treasury Agency and the Ministry of External Affairs. The Guardia Civil arrested the Catalan Finance Minister Josep Maria Jové. The police also stormed the Catalan Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are in a state of siege! It's a shame ! "Said Minister of Social Affairs Dolors Bassa.
The interventions of the Guardia Civil multiply in Catalonia. A dozen officials of the Catalan administration were arrested.
Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, said the people arrested there this morning are "political prisoners".
Carles Puigdemont, President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, convened an extraordinary meeting with the main leaders of the parties of the Catalan Parliament.
The spokesman of the same Government called for calm. The ANC, Assemblea Nacional Catalana, the main engine of the independence movement, did the same, calling also a great mobilization of the citizens before the ministries and places of power Catalan.La Guardia Civil stormed this Wednesday 20 September in the morning, the Catalan government. The Spanish police invaded the Ministry of Economy and various Catalan finance agencies including the Treasury Agency and the Ministry of External Affairs. The Guardia Civil arrested the Catalan Finance Minister Josep Maria Jové. The police also stormed the Catalan Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are in a state of siege! It's a shame ! "Said Minister of Social Affairs Dolors Bassa.
The interventions of the Guardia Civil multiply in Catalonia. A dozen officials of the Catalan administration were arrested.
Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, said the people arrested there this morning are "political prisoners".
Carles Puigdemont, President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, convened an extraordinary meeting with the main leaders of the parties of the Catalan Parliament.
The spokesman of the same Government called for calm. The ANC, Assemblea Nacional Catalana, the main engine of the independence movement, did the same, calling also a great mobilization of the citizens before the ministries and places of power Catalan.La Guardia Civil stormed this Wednesday 20 September in the morning, the Catalan government. The Spanish police invaded the Ministry of Economy and various Catalan finance agencies including the Treasury Agency and the Ministry of External Affairs. The Guardia Civil arrested the Catalan Finance Minister Josep Maria Jové. The police also stormed the Catalan Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are in a state of siege! It's a shame ! "Said Minister of Social Affairs Dolors Bassa.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Monday, 18 September 2017
Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) Solidarity with Catalonia and its Mayors
THE mayors of the BNG make public, through a statement, their support and solidarity with the mayors of Catalonia that is defending the democratic rights of their people, their nation and respecting the right of Catalan society to decide their future .
Their struggle is also our struggle. It is discussing something more than the right to decide in Catalonia, the rights and freedoms of all of us are also being discussed.
Catalonia will not resign itself to being what they let it be and what the Catalan people will decide on. From the Galician councils we represent we reiterate our support and express our willingness to contribute to the advancement of the Galician people in the conquest of a new institutional framework that guarantees the full capacity to decide on our affairs, depending on the interests of the Galician people to be able to articulate economic, social and cultural development policies that guarantee the progress and welfare of the population as a whole.
"We want to express our solidarity with the immense majority of Catalan councils that from diverse and plural positions of the Catalan society have decided to take a step forward and defend their dignity as a people, defend democracy and the ballot box against the tide."
The mayors of the BNG affirm in the statement that the Catalan Councils are giving a lesson of dignity, commitment, to be at the service of their people, "which we want to emphasize and applaud."
From the Galician Councils we represent, we want to express our support for the legitimacy of the aspirations for change and overcoming the current political framework that Catalan society is demanding; And as Democrats, we reject the refusal of the Spanish State to allow expression of the Catalan popular will in the referendum on October 1.
The resistance of the Catalan people against all the use of the judicial and police apparatus of the State is being admirable. Also the one of the Mayors who are not intimidated before the threats of the Office of the Public Prosecutor's Office and remain faithful to the commitment with their people. A commitment to move towards a new institutional framework based on the exercise of sovereignty to build a better country.
As Democrats, we are in favor of the right of every nation to be able to freely and democratically decide their future.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Catalan pro - independence mayors defy Spanish Government
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr says the Catalan struggle is basically a struggle for democracy against a corrupt bourgeois Spanish State which has taken a national form in Catalonia.
However the bourgeois nationalist Catalan leadership seeks to subordinate Catalonia to a corrupt Brussels and the European Union - this is not national liberation but a readjustment among the national bourgeois in the Spanish State and Europe.
The Revolutionary Left in Catalonia should oppose both the corrupt Spanish State and the corrupt European Union and NATO and elevate the working class to political leadership of the national struggle for democracy in Catalonia - the working class should win the direction of national liberation.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
The Internationale in Catalan

Catalonia and Spain "Playing Chicken" Ahead of Independence Vote
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr says the actions of the Spanish Government will drive more people in Catalonia towards Independence - it is a battle for democracy and that is why the reformist and revolutionary Left should support Catalan Independence.
It is also the beginning the process of the dissolution of Imperialist States of Europe a process that will occur over next fifty years as the European Union also implodes.
Monday, 11 September 2017
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